Friday, April 10, 2009

What's for Desert?

Edward Donald Slovik... poor guy. Although over 21,000 soldiers were given varying sentences for desertion during World War II, including 49 death sentences, Slovik's was the only death sentence carried out.

The young man did not want to face the brutality of the front line rifle company. Although I don't think he actually went AWOL, he apperently wrote a few notes stating that he would. Long story short the Supreme Allied commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, confirmed the execution order and Slovik was before a firing squad just a few months before the end of the War.

Frank Sinatra wanted to produce a movie about the guy, but was branded a Communist sympathizer. The Kennedys also discouraged the mov since Sinatra campaigned for them. However, a few books about the subject were written and a Martin Sheen film eventually came out of it. Eddie was not much older than me...

Btw, I met a woman today who is allergic to wine and roses................. how romantic!

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